biggest free to use video streaming platform, released in 2005. originally started as a dating website, failed catastrophically, and was bought by google 18 months after its initial launch to become the massive video sharing platform it is today
most favorited (10)
users' current mood
an interactive online dictionary designed to allow its users to define topics in both factual and creative ways. created in 2020 by a graduate of the university of nevada, reno
the darkling thrush
1900 poem by thomas hardy. originally titled ‘by the century’s deathbed,’ the haunting piece describes the changes the narrator has observed through the turn of the 20th century. intriguing piece for many english majors as it contains strong pulls to both romanticism and modernism, and is deeply layered with opposing ideas which are interwoven. read it here
ben shapiro
right-wing man who apparently thinks wet p-word is a medical condition. regularly humiliates himself in the public eye. (see: wap)
a person who writes articles for publications like newspapers and magazines, or who writes the news that will be broadcasted. (see: @aras diler)
the name attributed to the number 10^10^100 or 10^googol, or 1 followed by 100 zeroes.
a technology company founded in 1998 by larry page and sergey brin at stanford university. headquarters located in mountain view, california. (see: googleplex) (see: google search)
massive electronics company founded by steve jobs, steve wozniak, and ronald wayne
in 1976. known for their top-of-the-line products including mac computers and laptops, ipod, iphone, and ipad. -
turkey (animal)
almost the national bird of the united states. a large domesticated bird most commonly used for food. traditionally served during the holidays. (see: thanksgiving)