derogatory term for a radical feminist who advocates for women’s rights based on the belief that women hold superiority over men
image, text, video, or other media created for comedic purposes and spread via the internet.
dwayne johnson
the most paid hollywood actor for now.
users' favorite quotes
keeping silent sometimes looks like broken glass pieces! they fill your mouth. if you remain silent, they hurt you; if you speak, they make you bleed…
oguz atay -
a country where there is no culture of resignation.
dred scott
(see: #643)
wounded knee massacre
in 1889, some plains indians turned to a prophetic religious movement based on the "ghost dance," a group ritual that was supposed to give followers a vision of the world in 1891, when the whites would disappear and buffalo herds would return. the movement spread, and army officials feared a sioux uprising, so they rounded up suspected leaders. late in 1890, soldiers were holding 350 sioux at wounded knee creek in south dakota. gunfire was heard, and the soldiers opened fire on the sioux. nearly 200 men, women, and children were killed or wounded. organized indian resistance was at an end.
state government reform
(see: #667)
square deal
in 1902, a coal miners' strike threatened the nation's supply of heating fuel. roosevelt invited the mine owners and union officials to the white house, but the owners refused to negotiate. furious, the president got them to back down, and the strike was settled, with the miners receiving a pay raise and a nine-hour work day, down from 12 hours.
in his bid for reelection in 1904, roosevelt said that in brokering the settlement he had tried for a "square deal"—a fair result-for both sides. the square deal became his motto for the rest of his career. roosevelt won a landslide election to become president in his own right in 1904. -
alvin york
alvin york was one of the most famous american war heroes of world war 1. born in 1887 in tennessee, he was drafted into the army in 1918. he soon proved himself noteworthy among the 17 soldiers sent to infiltrate german lines and capture a machine gun position. after many on his team died in the confrontation, he singlehandedly captured the gun, killing several german soldiers. the german officer in charge of the gun surrendered, and york marched more than 130 german soldiers back to his camp as prisoners of war. he was lauded as a national hero and earned the medal of honor. after the war, some businessmen purchased a farm for york and his family in tennessee, where he lived until his death in 1964. his story was made into a film sergeant york in 1941.
now, existing customers don't need to switch to their new 5g plans. because at&t expands 5g to all consumer customers on unlimited wireless plans for no extra cost
you better mention this news article when you contact them. -
pillow talk
the most sincere and fun way of conversation.
if you know you know.
god complex
a god complex is a psychological term that is used to describe a person who believes that they are all-powerful and all-knowing, and who behaves in a way that reflects this belief. someone with a god complex may believe that they are superior to others and that they have the right to make decisions for others without their consent. they may also be unwilling to listen to others or to consider their opinions and feelings.
examples of god complex behavior might include a boss who makes decisions without consulting their employees, a teacher who refuses to listen to their students' ideas, or a parent who insists on making all the decisions for their child without considering their input. in general, someone with a god complex may have a tendency to be overbearing and controlling, and they may struggle to see others as equals. -
doublethink is a term coined by george orwell in his famous novel 1984 to describe the act of simultaneously accepting two contradictory beliefs as true. in the novel, the ruling party of oceania uses doublethink as a tool of propaganda to control the thoughts and actions of its citizens.
it refers to the ability to hold two conflicting ideas in one's mind and believe them both to be true. this is a dangerous concept because it allows people to accept lies and manipulation as truth, leading to a society where facts are distorted, and reality is constantly being redefined.
here are a few examples of doublethink in action:
war is peace: in 1984, the government convinces its citizens that war is necessary for peace. this is a prime example of doublethink, as it is impossible for war to bring peace.
freedom is slavery: another example from 1984 is the idea that freedom is actually a form of slavery. the government claims that by taking away people's freedom, they are actually freeing them from the burden of making decisions.
ignorance is strength: the ruling party of oceania encourages its citizens to be ignorant and uninformed. they claim that this ignorance is a form of strength, as it allows people to focus on their work and not worry about the world around them.
political correctness: in modern times, the concept of political correctness can be seen as a form of doublethink. while it aims to promote tolerance and respect, it can also be used to silence dissenting opinions and limit free speech.
advertising: advertisers often use doublethink to sell products. for example, a company may claim that their product is both "all-natural" and "scientifically proven." these two claims are contradictory, but by using both, the company hopes to appeal to a wider audience.