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  • let's dive into muphry's law (yes, that's spelled right). imagine murphy's law (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong) had a nerdy cousin who loved grammar and spelling. muphry's law states that whenever you criticize someone else's writing, you're almost guaranteed to make a mistake yourself. it's like the universe's way of keeping us humble.

    here are some funny examples to illustrate:

    1. social media fail: you comment on someone's post, "your such a idiot for not knowing the difference between 'your' and 'you're'." congrats, you just became the idiot.
    2. email embarrassment: you send an email to your coworker, "please proofread this report. it's full of errors, and we can't have any misstakes." your coworker replies, "sure thing! by the way, you spelled 'mistakes' wrong."
    3. editing nightmare: you're editing a friend's blog post and write in the margin, "this sentence is awkwardly phrased. rewright it." oops, guess who needs to rewrite their comment?