@the fisherman of halicarnassus - #tech-science topics
- sam altman1
- apple1
- southwest airlines1
- james bentham1
- the moral side of murder1
- gerrymandering1
- edward bernays1
- chaos theory1
- virtue signaling1
- tilting at windmills1
- pooh-pooh1
- cratylism1
- concern troll1
- cherry picking1
- begging the question1
- aunt sally1
- steelmanning1
- appeal to ignorance1
- false cause1
- red herring1
- straw man1
- appeal to authority1
- hasty generalization1
- false dilemma1
- fallacy1
- slippery slope1
- rhetoric (aristotle)1
- ad hominem1
- john stuart mill1
- solipsism1
- ship of theseus1
- twitter1
- elon musk2
- lockdown mode1
- tesla1
- eugenics1