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  • donald trump

    he is coming to our biggest little city*. he will speak at the reno-tahoe international airport saturday.

  • the worst person in the world (film)

    the worst person in the world is a short film that was written and directed by matt johnson and released in 2016. the film is a dark comedy that follows the misadventures of a struggling writer named ted, who is dealing with a string of bad luck and a series of disastrous relationships. as ted navigates his messy personal life, he becomes increasingly bitter and jaded, and he begins to lash out at those around him. the film explores themes of ambition, isolation, and the struggles of the creative process. despite its dark tone, the worst person in the world is a surprisingly funny and relatable film that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt lost and adrift in their own life.

  • theodore roosevelt

    theodore roosevelt was born to a wealthy new york family that traced its roots back to the dutch colonial era. weak and sickly as a boy, he became devoted to physical fitness as a man.

    after serving as police commissioner of new york city, assistant secretary of the navy, and hero of the spanish american war, he became governor of new york. in 1900, republican leaders nominated him to run for vice president-usually an unimportant position-with presidential candidate mckinley, to keep him quiet.

    roosevelt was an active and popular president, and at 42, the youngest man to serve in the office. he said the presidency provided a "bully pulpit" that allowed him to air his views, using his personality to force the government to take responsibility. senator la follette may have summed him up best by saying that "roosevelt made reform respectable in the united states."

    (see: teddy bear)

  • airtag

    you have to buy a case to attach it to your keys.

  • milf

    mother i'd like to fuck.

  • dred scott

  • instagram

    it allows you to change its app icon to celebrate instagram's tenth birthday.

    here's an example of how it works.

  • love

    love is letting someone hurt you.

  • indentured servants

    many poor europeans paid for their passage to america by becoming indentured servants. they signed a document called the indenture, which committed them to work for the person who paid their passage for a period of time-usually seven years. indentured servants could be severely punished for breaking their contracts. at the end of the agreed-upon time period, they received land or money to help them start their lives in freedom.

  • emancipation proclamation

    lincoln personally opposed slavery, but he insisted that the civil war was being fought to preserve the union, not abolish slavery. the emancipation proclamation, issued in january 1863, was lincoln's official declaration of freedom, or emancipation, for slaves in the confederacy. it was meant to satisfy abolitionists who pressured lincoln to make ending slavery a goal of the war. it was also a strategic move to help the north win the war—the south had an advantage, since the confederates could force slaves to help the war effort.

    ultimately, the document was more a symbolic than an actual end to slavery, since the union could not force the rebellious southern states to free slaves, and it did not pertain to slaves in border states loyal to the union, such as maryland and kentucky. the thirteenth amendment to the constitution freed the remaining slaves.

    (see: abraham lincoln)

  • use of drugs in warfare

    cocaine was a commonly used drug during the time of world war ii, and it was used by both civilians and military personnel for a variety of reasons. cocaine is a stimulant drug that can provide users with increased energy and alertness, and it was often used as a way to cope with the demanding physical and mental demands of war. cocaine was also used as a pain reliever and as a way to treat a variety of medical conditions, including fatigue and depression. however, it is important to note that cocaine is a highly addictive and dangerous drug, and its use can have serious negative consequences. in general, the use of drugs, including cocaine, during war time is highly discouraged and can have severe consequences.

  • generalplan ost

    generalplan ost (english: master plan for the east) was a secret nazi plan for the colonization and exploitation of eastern europe. the plan called for the extermination, expulsion, or enslavement of most of the slavic populations of eastern europe, including poland, ukraine, belarus, and the soviet union. the plan was part of the broader nazi goal of creating lebensraum (living space) for the aryan race.

    the plan was developed by a group of nazi officials, led by heinrich himmler and including adolf eichmann and alfred rosenberg. it was presented to adolf hitler in 1941, and he gave his approval. however, the plan was never fully implemented due to the course of the war.

    the generalplan ost called for the extermination of around 31 million people, mostly slavs, but also including jews, roma, and other groups deemed undesirable by the nazi regime. the remaining population was to be used as slave labor to support the colonization of the region by german settlers. the plan also called for the destruction of many of the cities and cultural centers of eastern europe, as well as the forced relocation of millions of people.

    the plan was a key part of the nazi vision of a "new order" in europe, and it represented a fundamental rejection of the principles of international law and human rights. it was a major factor in the holocaust and other war crimes committed by the nazi regime.

  • adolf hitler

    there are many hidden or lesser-known facts about adolf hitler, the former leader of germany and the nazi party. here are a few examples:

    – hitler was born in austria, not germany. he only moved to germany as an adult and later became a german citizen.
    – hitler was a vegetarian and did not drink or smoke. he was also a teetotaler, meaning he abstained from alcohol.
    – hitler was a talented painter in his youth, but he was rejected twice from the academy of fine arts in vienna.
    – hitler was a decorated veteran of world war i, having served as a member of the german army. he was awarded the iron cross, second class, for his service.
    – hitler was a german nationalist, but he also had a deep hatred for the jews and believed in the concept of a "master race" of blond-haired, blue-eyed aryans. he and the nazi party implemented policies of genocide against the jewish population during the holocaust.
    – hitler was obsessed with the occult and the supernatural, and he believed in the power of astrology and the supernatural. he also believed in the existence of a "aryan race" that was superior to all other races.
    – hitler was a totalitarian dictator who controlled every aspect of german society during his time in power. he used propaganda, violence, and other tactics to maintain his grip on power and suppress opposition.

    these are just a few examples of some of the lesser-known facts about adolf hitler. it is important to remember that hitler was a deeply flawed and evil individual who caused immense suffering and devastation during his time in power.

  • selfie syndrome

    selfie syndrome is a term that is used to describe a phenomenon in which people become obsessed with taking and sharing photos of themselves on social media. this can be driven by a desire for validation, attention, or recognition from others. some people with selfie syndrome may spend a significant amount of time and effort creating the perfect selfie, and they may become anxious or distressed if their photos do not receive enough likes or positive feedback. some experts have suggested that selfie syndrome can be linked to mental health issues such as body dysmorphic disorder, low self-esteem, and social anxiety.

  • frida kahlo

    frida kahlo was a mexican artist who is known for her self-portraits and her distinctive style. here are a few interesting facts about frida kahlo:

    -frida kahlo was born on july 6, 1907, in coyoacan, mexico.
    -she was a member of the communist party of mexico and was known for her political activism.
    -frida kahlo was married to fellow artist diego rivera, and the couple had a tumultuous relationship.
    -she was seriously injured in a bus accident at the age of 18, and this event had a profound impact on her art and her life.
    -frida kahlo is considered one of the most important figures in mexican art, and her work has been featured in exhibitions around the world.
    -she was a pioneer in the use of self-portraiture as a way of exploring her own identity and experiences.
    -frida kahlo died on july 13, 1954, at the age of 47.

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