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  • parasocial interaction

    parasocial interaction is a type of one-sided relationship in which an individual forms an imaginary connection with a media figure, such as a television or radio personality, or a fictional character. the term was first coined by donald horton and richard wohl in 1956 to describe the phenomenon of viewers feeling as though they knew a television personality and felt a sense of familiarity and intimacy with them.

    examples of parasocial interaction include a fan feeling a strong connection to a favorite television character, or a listener feeling like they have a personal relationship with a radio personality. another example is a fan of a celebrity feeling like they are friends with them.

  • thomas robert malthus

    thomas malthus was an english economist and demographer who is best known for his theory of population. in 1798, he published an essay on the principle of population, in which he argued that the population of the world would grow faster than the supply of food, leading to widespread poverty and suffering. malthus argued that population growth would be checked by "positive checks," such as famine and disease, and "preventative checks," such as late marriage and contraception.

    malthus' theory was controversial at the time, and it has continued to be the subject of debate among economists and other scholars. while some of his predictions have not come to pass, his ideas have had a lasting impact on economic thought and have influenced public policy debates on issues related to population and resource use.

  • failed state

    a failed state is a political entity that is unable to perform the basic functions of a sovereign government. this can include failing to provide security and basic services to its citizens, having an illegitimate or ineffective government, and being unable to control its territory. failed states can be a source of conflict, terrorism, and instability in the region.

    there have been many failed states throughout history, including somalia, yugoslavia, and afghanistan. currently, some examples of failed states include south sudan, syria, and yemen.

  • revenge

    there are many different approaches to taking revenge, and some argue that seeking revenge is not a productive or healthy way to deal with conflicts or wrongdoings. here are a few examples of different philosophies and approaches to taking revenge:

    an eye for an eye: this approach is based on the idea of reciprocity, and holds that when someone does something wrong or harmful to you, it is justified to do something wrong or harmful to them in return. this approach is often associated with the saying "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

    forgiveness: this approach involves letting go of anger and resentment towards someone who has wronged you, and choosing not to seek revenge or retribution. many religions and spiritual traditions advocate for forgiveness as a way to find inner peace and move on from conflicts.

    restorative justice: this approach focuses on repairing the harm caused by wrongdoing, rather than seeking punishment for the person who caused the harm. restorative justice involves bringing the offender and the victim together to discuss the harm that was caused and finding ways to make things right.

    holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. - buddha

  • signs of a toxic person

    there are many signs that someone may be toxic, and the specific signs can vary depending on the individual and the situation. some common signs that someone may be toxic include:

    – they are constantly negative or pessimistic, and seem to enjoy causing drama or conflict. for example, they might make sarcastic comments or try to stir up arguments with others.

    – they are manipulative or controlling, and try to make others do things their way. for example, they might try to guilt trip others into doing things for them, or use their influence or power to get what they want.

    – they are selfish and only think about their own needs and wants, without considering the needs and feelings of others. for example, they might cancel plans with others at the last minute if something more convenient or enjoyable comes up for them.

    – they are not supportive or understanding, and are unwilling to listen to or help others. for example, they might dismiss others' concerns or problems as being unimportant or overly emotional.

    – they are quick to anger or become aggressive, and may use insults or threats to get their way. for example, they might raise their voice or use derogatory language when they are upset.

    –they are unreliable or irresponsible, and do not follow through on their commitments or responsibilities. for example, they might frequently be late or forget to do things that they said they would do.

  • capitalism

    according to karl marx, capitalism is an economic system that is based on the private ownership of the means of production and the exploitation of the working class. marx believed that capitalism was inherently flawed and that it would eventually collapse under the weight of its own contradictions.

    marx argued that the central contradiction of capitalism is the conflict between the bourgeoisie (the owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (the working class). the bourgeoisie seek to maximize profits and accumulate wealth, while the proletariat are exploited and oppressed. this conflict, marx believed, would eventually lead to the collapse of capitalism.

    marx argued that capitalism would collapse as a result of several factors, including:

    the increasing concentration of wealth: marx believed that capitalism leads to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, while the vast majority of people become increasingly impoverished. this would eventually lead to widespread discontent and unrest among the working class.

    the inherent contradictions of the capitalist system: marx believed that capitalism is inherently unstable and prone to crises, such as recessions and depressions. these crises would become more frequent and severe over time, leading to the collapse of the system.

    the increasing consciousness of the working class: marx believed that the working class would become increasingly aware of their exploitation under capitalism and would eventually rise up against their oppressors.

    marx's prediction of the collapse of capitalism has been a matter of debate and has been interpreted in various ways by different scholars. while capitalism has faced numerous challenges and crises throughout its history, it has also shown a remarkable ability to adapt and change. some argue that marx's prediction of the collapse of capitalism was overly optimistic and that the system has demonstrated a greater resilience than he anticipated. others believe that his prediction was on point and that the current economic and social challenges facing the world are evidence of the inherent weaknesses of capitalism.

  • dialectical materialism

    karl marx believed that the world is constantly changing and that conflict and resolution are an important part of this process. he called this way of understanding the world "dialectical materialism."

    dialectical materialism is based on the idea that everything in the world is made up of two opposing forces or ideas. for example, good and bad, light and dark, or hot and cold. these opposing forces are always in conflict with each other, and this conflict leads to change and progress.

    marx believed that this process of conflict and resolution could be applied to understand social and economic phenomena as well. he argued that societies and economies are also made up of opposing forces, such as the bourgeoisie (the owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (the working class). these two groups have different interests, and their conflict leads to changes in society and the economy.

    marx believed that the ultimate goal of this process of conflict and resolution is to create a better, more just society. he believed that the proletariat, or working class, would eventually win their struggle against the bourgeoisie and create a socialist society where everyone would be equal and there would be no more exploitation of the working class.

    so, in short, dialectical materialism is a way of understanding how the world changes and progresses through conflict and resolution. it was an important part of marx's philosophy and has had a significant impact on our understanding of social and economic phenomena.

  • masochistic epistemology

    there are a few different ways in which psychologists have attempted to explain masochistic epistemology. one explanation is that it may be related to an individual's sense of self-worth and their feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy. according to this perspective, masochistic individuals may believe that they are not worthy of knowledge or understanding, and that they must suffer in order to earn it.

    another explanation is that masochistic epistemology may be related to a person's attachment style. individuals with an insecure attachment style may have a harder time trusting others and may be more likely to engage in masochistic behaviors in order to feel a sense of control or to avoid abandonment.

    it is worth noting that while masochistic epistemology may be a belief held by some individuals, it is not a widely accepted or mainstream view in psychology. most psychologists would argue that knowledge and understanding can be gained through hard work and effort, but that suffering is not necessarily a necessary component.

  • fallacy

    to avoid falling into fallacies, it's important to be mindful of the logical structure of your arguments and the evidence that you use to support your claims. here are some tips for constructing arguments and engaging in discussions without falling into fallacies:

    clearly state your position: make sure you know exactly what you want to argue and that you can clearly articulate it. this will help you stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked.

    use evidence to support your claims: don't rely on unsupported assertions or personal beliefs. instead, provide evidence to back up your arguments. this could include citing relevant research, providing examples, or using logical reasoning.

    consider alternative perspectives: it's important to be open to the possibility that your perspective may not be the only one. make an effort to understand the perspectives of others and consider whether they may have valid points.

    avoid ad hominem attacks: don't attack the person making the argument, rather focus on the argument itself. personal attacks are a sign of a weak argument and only serve to derail the discussion.

    be aware of common fallacies: familiarize yourself with common fallacies such as the ad hominem, straw man, and slippery slope. this will help you spot them in your own arguments and in the arguments of others.

    by following these tips, you can help ensure that your discussions and arguments are well-reasoned and free from fallacies.

  • elon musk

    has become one of twitter's biggest shareholders (slightly bigger than 9% stake).

  • eugenics

  • iykyk

    if you know you know.

  • r/place

    reddit's collaborative artwork. the board is a large grid where reddit users placed tiles on a blank communal canvas. the artwork became live at midnight on april 2. the contributions from around the world created a collective digital art piece. r/place will be available across reddit and app for 87 hours, ending on april 4 at 5pm gmt (10.30pm ist). r/place

  • russian oligarchs

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