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noteworthy entries of this week (6)

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  • muphry's law

    let's dive into muphry's law (yes, that's spelled right). imagine murphy's law (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong) had a nerdy cousin who loved grammar and spelling. muphry's law states that whenever you criticize someone else's writing, you're almost guaranteed to make a mistake yourself. it's like the universe's way of keeping us humble.

    here are some funny examples to illustrate:

    1. social media fail: you comment on someone's post, "your such a idiot for not knowing the difference between 'your' and 'you're'." congrats, you just became the idiot.
    2. email embarrassment: you send an email to your coworker, "please proofread this report. it's full of errors, and we can't have any misstakes." your coworker replies, "sure thing! by the way, you spelled 'mistakes' wrong."
    3. editing nightmare: you're editing a friend's blog post and write in the margin, "this sentence is awkwardly phrased. rewright it." oops, guess who needs to rewrite their comment?

  • haliey welch

    everyone's all focused on the hawk tuah thing, but the real bomb she dropped was when she said, "the only way to get over one is to get under another."

  • users' favorite quotes

    men fall in love with what they see, and women fall in love with what they hear. that's why men lie and women wear makeup.

  • the truman show

    "the truman show," directed by peter weir and released in 1998, stars jim carrey as truman burbank. the story revolves around truman, an ordinary man living in the seemingly perfect town of seahaven. his life appears normal, but unbeknownst to him, his entire existence is actually a meticulously crafted reality tv show, broadcast live 24/7 to the entire world. everyone in his life, including his friends, family, and even his wife, are actors. the town itself is a massive set enclosed in a dome, with thousands of hidden cameras capturing truman's every move.

    as truman goes about his daily life, he begins to notice odd occurrences that make him question his reality. lights fall from the sky, his radio picks up the production crew's communications, and he starts to recognize patterns and inconsistencies in his world. the turning point comes when he meets sylvia, an extra who tries to reveal the truth to him before being whisked away by the show's producers.

    truman's curiosity and determination grow, leading him on a journey to discover the truth about his life. the climax sees truman sailing to the edge of the dome, confronting his fears, and ultimately finding an exit door labeled "exit," leading him to the real world. his final moment on the set is poignant, as he delivers his iconic line, "in case i don't see you… good afternoon, good evening, and good night," before stepping out into freedom.

    what makes "the truman show" such a compelling movie is its innovative concept. the film presents a thought-provoking premise about reality, media manipulation, and personal freedom. remarkably, it predates the explosion of reality tv and social media, making it eerily prescient about society's voyeuristic tendencies.

    jim carrey's performance is another standout aspect of the film. known primarily for his comedic roles, carrey delivers a nuanced and heartfelt portrayal of truman. he balances humor and drama beautifully, making truman's gradual awakening and search for truth both compelling and relatable.

    the film also offers sharp social commentary, critiquing media ethics and the intrusion of privacy. it explores themes of authenticity, control, and the human desire for genuine connection in a world dominated by artificial experiences. this satirical edge adds depth to the narrative, making it more than just an entertaining story.

    visually, the movie excels thanks to peter weir's direction and the meticulous set design. the use of hidden cameras and unique angles enhances the feeling of surveillance and confinement, drawing viewers into truman's world. the emotional core of the film lies in truman's journey of self-discovery and liberation. as viewers, we root for him to challenge the boundaries of his manufactured reality, making his eventual triumph deeply satisfying.

    on a philosophical level, "the truman show" raises profound questions about reality and free will. it echoes plato's allegory of the cave, where truman, like the prisoners in the cave, must break free from his illusory world to see the truth. this philosophical depth invites viewers to reflect on their own lives and the nature of the world around them.

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  • dr. strangelove

    imagine if the cold war and a dark comedy had a baby, and that baby was directed by the legendary stanley kubrick. that's "dr. strangelove or: how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb."

    here's the lowdown:

    1. plot in a nutshell: the movie is about the absolute madness and absurdity of nuclear warfare. picture a bunch of military and political leaders trying to stop a doomsday scenario they accidentally set in motion.
    they fail spectacularly.

    2. key characters:
    • dr. strangelove: he's this eccentric, wheelchair-bound ex-nazi scientist who can't control his own hand, which keeps trying to give the nazi salute. yeah, it's as wild as it sounds.
    • president merkin muffley: the u.s. president, who's trying to keep things under control but is hilariously out of his depth.
    • general buck turgidson: a gung-ho, slightly unhinged military man who thinks the solution to everything is more bombs.
    • major kong: the cowboy pilot who rides a nuclear bomb like a rodeo bull, waving his hat and hollering "yeehaw!" on the way down. iconic.

    3. hilarious scenes:
    • war room antics: imagine a bunch of world leaders in a high-stakes meeting, but they're acting like kids in a playground fight. "gentlemen, you can't fight in here! this is the war room!"
    • phone call with the soviet premier: the president has to call the soviet leader to explain they accidentally sent a nuke their way. it's like the world's worst customer service call.

    4. themes: the film is a satire, so it's poking fun at the absurdity of war, the ridiculousness of human error, and the terrifying power of nuclear weapons. it's a laugh-so-you-don't-cry kind of deal.