an american newspaper that has not published a single positive article about vladimir putin since 2014. (according to vladimir pozner jr.)
entries (100) - page 7
the new york times
russian oligarchs
oligarchs who stole russia's wealth with putin. as far as i know, they are all men.
vladimir putin
a russian dictator. his invasion unified and empowered nato. he used to be a kgb agent, and all the russian oligarchs/billionaires are friends of his.
hbo max
an internet video on demand service that has the best content so far (as of feb 2022).
keith sapsford
a 14 year old australian boy who wanted to explore the world, so he snuck to a plane wheel well, it opened in mid-air and the boy fell out. the photographer was just testing his new lenses and was shocked after developing those images. image
wheel-well stowaway -
you only live once
users' confessions
after awhile you could get used to anything.
users' confessions
everything was possible, but nothing happened.
when you reach the top of the hill, you will see bodrum.
don't assume that you will leave as you came.
others before you were the same too.
as they departed, they all left their souls behind.
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