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  • alcetas

    alcetas was a prominent macedonian warlord who was mentioned among alexander the great's influential generals. after alexander's death, alcetas was challenged by antigonus, one of alexander's commanders. the war between the two warlords took place in the region of psidia and resulted in alcetas' resounding defeat. alcetas sought refuge in termessos, and the residents of the city provided protection to him. in subsequent months, in order to protect the city from danger, the elders of termessos wanted to hand alcetas over to antigonus, who had set his military camp at the foot of the mountain. alcetas did not want to face a gruesome death, so he took his own life. to this day, his grave lies on a rock wall in the highlands of termessos.

    the grave is a 15-minute trek from the colonnaded street of termessos. it is a pleasant hike, not a cumbersome one. the first thing i noticed upon reaching the site was the large rock carving of alcetas on a horse on the wall above the grave. it surprised me greatly to see that this rock carving survived despite harsh natural elements, such as the scorching heat and interminable humidity.

  • termessos

    one of the two cities that could not be captured by alexander the great.

    history of termessos

    termessos is primarily known as the city that could not be conquered by the macedonian emperor and warlord, alexander the great. unfortunately, aside from the journals kept during alexander the great's military campaign in asia minor and a few surviving records from the roman empire era, there are few documents that could illuminate the history of termessos. it is still unknown when and by whom termessos was founded.

    the city was first mentioned in history during alexander the great's siege. here are a few known facts about the city:

    – despite the fact that termessos was a part of the roman empire, it had always been an autonomous city due to its remoteness.

    – in 71 b.c, the roman senate unanimously voted for an act allowing termessos to be autonomous and make its own laws.

    – the inhabitants of termessos called themselves the solym people, descending from the pamphylian greeks.

    – a severe earthquake hit the city at a yet-undetermined date, destroying the aqueducts and cutting off the main water supply. subsequently, the solyms abandoned the city.

    termessos hosts the tomb of alcetas who was one of the generals of alexander the great.

  • jacob riis

    many middle and upper-class families knew little about immigrants problems. jacob riis a danish immigrant-and a photographer and journalist-exposed the suffering experienced by many immigrants. riis's work, how the other half lives, published in 1890, helped people realize that government action was necessary to improve conditions in city slums.

  • benedict arnold

    benedict arnold was an outstanding general. at saratoga, bhe showed enormous courage leading the charge that broke through burgoyne's lines. but he was a vain and sensitive man, who felt that he had been badly treated by congress and the army. in april 1779, arnold persuaded washington to put him in charge of west point, the fort on the lower hudson. once there, he arranged to sell the fort to the british. the plot was discovered; arnold escaped and was made a general by the british, but they never trusted him, even after he moved his family to england.

    papers intended for benedict arnold detailing the sale of west point to the british are found in a fellow traitor's boot.